Portal Documentation

Managing Access Tokens for GitHub Organization

How to create and update API tokens that allow the SIMS Portal to communicate with GitHub.

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SIMS Remote Coordination

SIMS Remote Coordination Checklist

This checklist is meant to guide a SIMS Remote Coordinator through the entire process from initial setup to deactivation. Includes links to useful guidance documents.

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Resources and Standards

Remote Profile Specializations and Tiers

How remote profiles and the associated tiering system work, and how this data connects with competency frameworks.

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Resources and Standards

SIMS Deactivation Process

Steps to follow and issues to consider when serving as a SIMS Remote Coordinator at the end of a SIMS activation.

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Portal Documentation

Managing Geodata and Related API Access

How the Google Maps API powers location searches, and how to update permissions for the API key.

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Portal Documentation

Administrator Backend Controls

Understanding the special permission set granted to system administrators.

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Portal Documentation

Badge Overview

Understand how badges are assigned, and how new badges are created.

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Portal Documentation

Availability Tracking

How to use the availability reporting tool in the SIMS Portal.

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Portal Documentation

Connecting Portfolio Products to Learning Site Articles

How to link a guide or tutorial on to a product you produce on the SIMS Portal.

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