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Resources and Standards

Remote Supporter Preparation Checklist

Checklist for those considering providing remote IM support on a SIMS request, including clarifying questions for you to get as much information as possible about the request.

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Resources and Standards

Managing Product Updates with a Changelog

How to create and manage product updates with changelogs.

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Resources and Standards

Remote Profile Specializations and Tiers

How remote profiles and the associated tiering system work, and how this data connects with competency frameworks.

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Resources and Standards

Final Product Checklist

Key elements to consider before you send a product back to the field.

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Resources and Standards

SIMS Deactivation Process

Steps to follow and issues to consider when serving as a SIMS Remote Coordinator at the end of a SIMS activation.

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Resources and Standards

SIMS Platforms and Tools Overview

An overview of commonly-used tools and the process for evaluating new ones as technology and the way SIMS operates continue to evolve.

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Resources and Standards

Using the SIMS Slack

Overview of how Slack is used during SIMS activations.

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Style Guidance

Data Visualization Best Practices

Quick tips to help make your data visualization products cleaner, easier to interpret, and more professional.

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Style Guidance

Logos and Icons

Access to standard IFRC logos, and a repository of national society logos.

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Style Guidance

Data Visualization Accessibility Checklist

Key factors to consider to help ensure your products are accessible to as broad a group of viewers as possible.

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